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The Little Princes
Copyrighted Rahman,brigitte arlette-2001
The night glows its surreal aura
filled with the tears of the moon's rose.
Under the sandy whispers
of Time 's ageless flow
the measure of death blows icy
over the last breath of newborn
taken too soon on the lost flight
of St. Exupery.s
Little Prince.
Take the corpses of
the little ones to the Moon and the stars
Ask the winter night
to bring Christmas to my heart.
Let me hear Jesus, the Infant,
from the cradle
of kindness
beyond the grave
Ask the winter night
to bring Christmas
to my heart.
Collectioner's item- French Medieval Puff container
Unique Edition
Price: usd-225.00
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Created and maintained by rahman,brigitte arlette-2001