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Copyrighted Rahman,brigitte arlette-2001
Published print and audio by the Library of Congress-USA
Floating on the surface of flat waters,
I build in the dark blue night
a canoe , insignificant
Diamonds keep growing in my heart
I feel heavy, how long before I drown?
A second is another day between you and me
my mind mirrors thoughts of another time
when we shall not be together;
I let go of the paddles.
The canoe without me will float
throughout the end of time and the longing
in the moonlit night is too much too bear
I jump in the water,a safe course
in the aches of the existentialist's mind
Yet I am only allowed to walk on the water ,
A mythical trail that brings me back
to an absurd tomorrow. of La RIve Gauche
the outsider lives on
in the inside of the absurd
Collectioner's item- French Medieval Water Jug
Unique Edition
Price: 175.00
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Created and maintained by rahman,brigitte arlette-2001