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Copyrighted to Rahman,brigitte arlette-2001

Published in print and audio by the Library of Congress-USA

Children born in a land of karma
they say no words for fear of the curse
they see nothing to feel nothing
From dawn to dusk they work , tiny robots
their spine curved by the wheel of life
The Guru brought them Nirvana
in the betel leaf of the dream,
Back to back, brother to brother
food will be sent to the shanti house
where their father lies sick.
Today some foreigner came
called them names:" slaves", with anger
but gave no food and no place to
while away the hours of dark despair
Now the wheel is spinning
the foreigner and the Guru are gone.
Father will surely die The child soon
will be head of a family in Shanti Town:
his karma, bondage to his fat


Collectioner's item- French Medieval Water drink container

Unique Edition

PRICE: 45.00 USD


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Created and maintained by rahman,brigitte arlette-2001