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My code is invalid in the electronic night
where cardiac ressusciation bleeps
in Bethelehm , yet another day
The candles' glow of the illusion
levitates over the bed ridden
conscience of the world
A thousand hearts narrated
in the cloned oriental nightmare
where Ghaza measures aimelessly
its existence by the Big Ben
of the missile heads' target
A timeless measure trembling at the sound
of its own exploded lies. There was no mother
in the barn: a new born message cried in mutters
awaiting its turn on the cross, the wood of pinocchio
in his hands, helplessly shaping humankind
the message was cold and alone,
and yet it is here.
Collectioner's item- French Medieval Water Pencil Tray
Unique Edition
PRICE: USD: 95.00
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Created and maintained by rahman,brigitte arlette-2001