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Copyrighted Rahman,brigitte arlette 2000- all rights reserved
Published in the USA by the Library of Congress
I was looking for a measure
to weigh my life
in the balance of the absurd
They say if you are light enough
you will find a treasure
to add up to the meaning of your days
I admit, I have been nowhere
I have only looked at the roads
I have only peeped into the days
my past is as elusive as my present
The life bank gave me my share
of its future's bounties:
a golden desert that slipped right
through my fingers and blew away the dream
that tommow my heart may speak
the unspoken silences
and lead me to the door
of my soul.
Collectioner's item- French Medieval tray with ear handles
Unique Edition
Price: 75.00 usd
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Created and maintained by rahman,brigitte arlette-2001